- My first Indonesian black metal CD. A CD-R actually. A Javanese occult atmospheric black metal, formed in 1995. 7 tracks with almost 30 minutes of music. The CD starts and ends with Javanese traditional folk song that I usually hear on TV documentary. Good way to introduce their culture to the metal masses. But it will be better if they can embed them in their songs. Then we have 5 tracks of fast black metal (good sound) with few breaks in the song. The CD package is neat and slim but too simple in design and they didn’t include the lyrics.

Steel Madness Webzine. ( Malaysia ) email:sumpahan@yahoo.com http://listen.to/steelmadness


- Cinque songs più intro e outro per questa black metal band malese, che ha prodotto il proprio CD con una stravagante cover in stoffa, in cui inserirlo, idea non male!! Il gruppo si cimenta con un black metal bestiale e debitore ai Mayhem di De Mistriis in primis anche il thrash ha contaminato il gruppo quello più sporco e malsano di estrazine Possessed , non manca qualche sporadico acenno melodico che riporta alla tradizione della Malesia con qualcosa che mi ricorda delle melodie mediorientali!!!!

Il CD è registrato in maniera chiara ma senza mai tralasciare una certa sporcizia sonora, che conferisce i giusto feeling!!! Un CD molto interessante perchè ricco di sfumature interessanti che

aggiungono qualcosa di nuovo, anche se può sembrare impossibile.

Autoproduzione / Black Vomit Prod ( Italy ) email: luigi.stefani2@tin.it. http://http://www.strillostrano.com/


- Frederico Bustos Romero, Oculto zine & distro ( COLOMBIA)

" I think your music is very interesting because you use folk instrument from your continent. I never heard this instruments".


- Mike, The Forgotten (USA)

"..you have some good ideas but i think you guys need a lot more work and you need to rehearse more i think".


- Al-Fahmi, Beast Petrify (SINGAPORE)

"..your intro for the cd is cool.An Indonesian traditional music so as the outro..".


- Gerilya Magazine # 6 ( INDONESIA)

"..epilogue & outro yang berkesan penuh kesedihan disertai gamelan khas daerah Jawa".


- Till Oberbossel, Satanic Wizard (GERMANY)

"..All in all i like ‘Makabre Amuletha’, but the style you play still can be improved.

Do so and keep the flag of Black Metal flying in Java!".


- Death Die!!! zine (MALAYSIA)

"Traditional music in black metal. It’s look like interesting. Personally I like which band have make something new in music especially with traditional music. Intro was starting with female vocal and the band was told me this song is epilogue of their song. Their riff is more to Marduk and Behemoth but more raw !".


Ludah webzine/NL #12 (INDONESIA)

"Satu demi satu lagu dari mereka kami dengerin sangat besar dan agung makna lyric dari mereka,mereka cukup kreatif dan original soundnya cukup bagus walau diantara lagu2,satu lagu dari mereka ada yang nggak pas masuknya.Tapi bagi mereka yang gak teliti dengerinnya nggak bakal tahu.Salut buat mereka yang udah mengangkat tradisional jawa kuno".